Black seeks to defend its pawn on d5 with its c6 pawn in the second move. Black continues trying to give up one more pawn with a6. It is essential to understand your weaknesses if you want to win a chess game.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'herculeschess_com-leader-2','ezslot_9',122,'0','0'])); A major French Defense element is that black typically counterattacks on the queen’s side, whilst white usually focuses on the king’s side. Recommended course: The King’s Indian by Victor Bologan. Instead, it focuses on attacking the center from the sides, utilizing minor pieces. This is the starting point from the Sicilian Najdorf opening variation. Enter the Boor Attack. The French Defense is ranked second in popularity to the Sicilian (against white’s 1.e4 move). We will be highlighting the main variations of these lines, as well as commenting on the kind of positions we get with them, some insights, concepts, and typical plans, and we will talk about great players who used these variations. Chess Openings for Black (Adelaide Counter Gambit) GJ_Chess Success (Adelaide Counter Gambit 2) Attacking Chess Opening Gambits against d4 (Resources Provided) Black’s entire goal is to give up a pawn early to gain a larger advantage on the queen side. This is the reason why it is essential to start a game with a balanced approach. White has the option to choose from an aggressive line of four pawn attacks, in which white would aim to place its four central pawns near the center.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'herculeschess_com-narrow-sky-2','ezslot_19',140,'0','0'])); White may also play exchange variations which follow the pawn attack. At Hercules Chess, you will find all related chess topics that you can use to improve your game. This step exposes white’s king, but puts extra pressure on the black’s king side. This is what black does in the Pirc Defense through the g6 move followed by Bg7. Nc3 d5 3. This is primarily driven by two major factors. This strategy is one of the strongest defensive chess strategies. Black aims to take advantage of the fact that 1.f4 weakens the white kingside, and to generate attacking chances against the white king. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'herculeschess_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_18',129,'0','0']));This defense strategy also provides opportunities for multiple variations. The main line is exchange variations, and it is what the majority of players aim for when they approach the Grunfeld Defense. White typically fianchetto the bishop of the king towards g2 aiming to place some support on the e4 square which is being attacked by black. When playing against the Italian Game opening as black, you will want to know what goes into the game. This strategy is one of the most used opening defenses with GM’s. After the forcing exchange cxd4 and cxd4, Black will be left with two queenside pawns (a7 … Play the Sicilian Najdorf In 60 minutes you will get a crash course how to play such a complicated opening like the Sicilian Najdorf by the hands of GM van Wely who knows by experience how the dangers look like!The contents: Video 1, 2, 3: how to survive versus whites most aggressive approach: 6. Since the Queen’s Gambit is the most popular opening at higher playing levels, the majority of expert players are fans of the Slav Defense. Further down the road, black will strengthen the attack on the white’s king side. It will be forced to move to c4, or somewhere in the back. In both attacks, black has strong counter plays, but must be cautious about playing too passively.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'herculeschess_com-leader-3','ezslot_10',123,'0','0'])); If black isn’t careful, it can find itself in a dangerous position in which it is too cramped to move forward. This will give you the added advantage of finding loopholes in their defense, rather than giving them an opportunity to find your own weaknesses. White then proceeds with its knight on f3. Similar to other opening chess strategies, this strategy will provide numerous opportunities for counter play in the middle of the game. Dear Chess Friends!I created a video where described top 7 aggressive chess openings that I played in my games! Often I hear people want an aggressive opening as black. An opening covered in depth by IM Valeri Lilov (one of the greatest coaches in the world!). This is why it is imperative to be cautious when it comes to trading bishops. At this point, there are so many other variations that you could play, but the most typical one is to move the pawn from d7 to d6. Eventually the c-pawn of black is usually exchanged, opening the semi-open c file for black to bring his queen or rook to and add pressure to the queen side attack. From this point, the game can move in any other direction.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'herculeschess_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_4',114,'0','0'])); Instructive Game: Carlsen, M. – Vachier Lagrave, M., 0-1, 11th London Classic 2019, Recommended book: The Sicilian Sveshnikov by Mikhail Krasenkov. In the Slav Defense’s main line, white aims to dominate the center of the board, and black aims to control the b4 square, making a push towards the e5 and c5 squares. Besides the common opening moves 1.e4 and 1.d4, white’s most popular move is 1.c4, known as the English Opening. Against a possible Catalan setup, GM Krasenkow suggests Black should use a Dutch Stonewall. Thanks guys. this is a must capture for the black pawn and then the white captures the black pawn. The c5 move is one of the best ways for black to fight for an advantage against e4. Expert players simply sit back and wait for their opponents to make a mistake. This offensive strategy is a well-respected and popular chess gambit. e4 e5 2. d4 exd4 3. c3 What Is Chess Hustling & How Much Do Chess Hustlers Make? Play the Benoni Romain Edouard In his 4-hour, 11-chapter video series on the Benoni, which Edouard describes as "one of the most aggressive openings against 1.d4 ", the Frenchman examines all the alternatives for Black after White's 7th move. Against d4, try the King's Indian Defense. Most inexperienced players are quick to go on the offensive to quickly crush their opponent. If you are one of those players who often encounter 1.d4 and dislike playing the Queen Gambit, this defense strategy gives you plenty of counterattacking options and is a rather good alternative. On the main line, white determines whether it wants to acquire double pawns by staying up in material or acquire a double bishop pair by giving back the pawn. Offensive and Defensive Opening Strategies. I am player who wants to exert control from the second move when I get black. This is another aggressive line black can use against 1.d4. In fact, black attacks the center with minor pieces from the sides. The lines I have covered include Pseudo – Trompowsky (1.d4 d5 2. The main flaw with an all-out offensive is that any experienced player can easily see the gaping holes in your defense. This is one of very few strategies that will put black in equal competition in the main line. However, it usually begins with 1.e4 Nf6 2.e5 Nd5 3.d4 d6. Play in the King’s Indian Defense starts with: This strategy is a hypermodern concept that offers center control to the white without attempting to control the game early on with pawns. I'm decent tactically and have time to study an opening in depth so i'm looking for something that will really crush weaker players Most aggressive opening for black V d4. If you are an aggressive player, this move won’t be enjoyable for you. Here, we will look at the raw basics of this defense strategy. Bg5), London Systems (1.d4 with an early Bf4), Torre Attack (1. d4 Nf6 2. The Best 10 Openings for Black. A typical move that the white will make is to move its knight from b1 to c3. Whilst numerous defense strategies aim to earn draws and close up against the pawn queen opening, the Benoni Defense provides black with numerous opportunities to not only equalize the game, but also gain an advantage to start playing for the win. A great idea is to attack the king aggressively, which is castled on the fianchettoed bishop’s side. However, when playing the main line, black will typically have a pawn on c6. Like when I get e4 I playe either d5 or d6 where white has no other option but to improvise. There are probably more than ten variations that can be played in the Sicilian Defense. White uses the Italian strategy in hopes of quickly developing its light-squared bishop and dominating the center. Has to be sound. The white pawn then moves from d2 to d4. This indicates that bishops have more power compared with knights. The greatest problem black will encounter is the blocked bishop on the queen side (which was blocked by the first 1.e6 move). It is essential to work on both your defensive and offensive skills. A few players prefer declining the gambit, if they aren’t familiar with it. Except I must admit I don't understand what this means. This strategy is a hypermodern defense, which means that it doesn’t make an attempt to control the game with pawns early on. Black can then respond with 1.c6 with a plan to thrust forward with d5 in the next move, and to attack the white central pawn on e4. In his book, in order to explain the first mover advantage in chess, GM Jonathan Rowson compares it t… For Black playing against d4. However, the last pawn it would opt to exchange would be the d6 pawn. When most people see this opening, they are startled, because it is one of chess’ biggest openings. In the majority of gambits, the side giving up pieces usually dictates how the game continues. Since both black and white have various strategies, the majority of the game is quite active and lively with the Dutch Defense. Now, to stop an attack on the b5 square, which aims directly at the black’s king, it is extremely important that the black player moves its pawn from a7 to a6 to stop the attack on the b5 square. Hercules Chess is a resource blog that exists for the sole purpose of helping others. This is a crucial setup, which you must understand if you want to use Caro Kann. As discussed in the video above, Black has several responses to the King’s Pawn Opening. With this move, you will see that white has a greater advantage, because the knight is out in the center, and the pawn as well.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'herculeschess_com-leader-1','ezslot_1',113,'0','0'])); Now, the main aim of the black player is to try and stop the white player from removing its pawn from c2 to c4, which would create a “Maroczy Bind.” The Maroczy Bind allows an opponent to take greater control over the center and increase their chance of winning. Since white’s d4 opening has gained popularity from the GMs each year, it isn’t surprising that the Grunfeld Defense strategy is regularly utilized in the game. This strategy is another hypermodern defense. It is traditionally described as a gambit because White appears to sacrifice the c-pawn; however, this could be considered a misnomer as Black cannot retain the pawn without incurring a disadvantage. I definitely recommend you to use some of them, for example, the ones you like or you think fit your playing style! After 4.cxd5-Nxd5 5.e4, white gets an imposing center, but the point of this opening is to use it as a target of attack. Black allows white to start chasing its knight throughout the board by tempo gaining pawn moves which will assist white in gaining center control of the board. This creates a “small pawn chain” and opens the way for the bishop’s advance. This move stops the white player’s knight from going to the b5 square. I tend to play the Dutch, but I often feel quite vulnerable, and have a poor record with it. And so a typical opening that is said to be aggressive is the King's Indian Defense. With the Dutch Defense, black aims to control the e4 square whilst entirely unbalancing the position. The Benoni Defense strategy typically opens up after the opening move. As White I play the KG against e5, and aggressive lines against everything else. This strategy is another hypermodern defense against the most used white e4 opening. Therefore, it will have to give up its pawn many times and continue to develop pieces without worrying about achieving a pawn advantage. Typically, the entire game revolves around this major flaw. Right now I'm using the Nimzo/Queen Indian, and have found that the positions that arise out of these openings are too positional and don't fit in with the tactical nature of my other openings. The “Best” as in most solid and used at Super GM Level for very serious time limit games seems to be the Slav Defence. For the first black move, white expects black to move diagonally, a2-g8, which is the biggest weakness of black and allows the opponent to take control of center squares after 2.d5. The second attack of white is the Classical System, in which the second knight moves to f3 and positions itself to create a stronger center control before white prepares to attack. Illustrative Game: Caruana, F. – So, W., 0-1, PRO League KO Stage 2017, Recommended book: The French Winawer: Move by Move – Giddins. Hello all, I'm looking for an aggressive opening choice against 1. d4. This line brought to Chessable by Carl Boor is a beaut for attacking players who want to bring some life into their 1.d4 repertoire. White will usually focus entirely on targeting that weakness. It is one of the oldest openings and is still commonly played today. The more aggressive attempts or moves white makes in the opening, the more traps it may potentially fall into. If you play Bc5 and completely mirror white, you want to know going in that white will always be one step ahead and can attack the center first with either Evan’s Gambit (4. b4) Giuoco Piano (4. c3) or Giuoco Pianissimo (4. d3) (all of these are shown below) and you will be one step behind. Black would probably fianchetto its bishop as well for adding pressure towards the dark squares. This is a dynamic move leading to unbalanced positions where both sides can fight for a win. However, in the Budapest Gambit, a white player determines how the game will continue. The most often played moves by White are 1.e4 and 1.d4, and we will see a couple of options for Black in both of these starting opening moves. You could consider black as being in a better position, specifically at the end of the game, when the main line is played.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'herculeschess_com-box-4','ezslot_2',118,'0','0'])); This happens, because black doesn’t have to compromise its pawn structure through this move and will have a considerably easy end game. I want an aggressive opening against 1.d4 which (of course not enguland type of gambits ). Firstly, it is the most solid line to play against the Queen’s Gambit. There are numerous Caro Kann Defense variations, but the main line carries on with 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 dxe4 4.Nxe4 Bf5. eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'herculeschess_com-portrait-1','ezslot_22',133,'0','0']));Black, in its second move, aims to give up its pawn on e5, and begins developing its pieces to add pressure on the e5 pawn. The black queen can be placed on c7, while the dark-squared bishop has various lines, and isn’t blocked by pawns. Black has the option of playing a sharp line to capture with its king pawn. Today, most players generally agree that White begins the game with some advantage. Once the foundation has been built, it starts undermining the white’s center control. In various situations, opening with this strategy can gradually change to the French Defense. Black typically ends up with powerful center control, whilst white pieces struggle to locate good squares to develop on. It is an extremely aggressive opening and must be played accordingly. This doesn’t mean that the game isn’t playable for black, but utilizing this move gives white better options (compared with other gambits). eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'herculeschess_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_17',128,'0','0']));The main strategic element is that black’s usual weak square (f7) becomes an even greater target. It is very rarely known at club level and, trust me here, if you wing it out against an unsuspecting opponent you will shock them. The Benoni has a somewhat dubious reputation at the very highest level, but as Edouard comments: Help club players build a powerful opening repertoire in order to successfully compete in tournaments ... Black challenging repertoire against very popular London system. The white player has to be very careful and precise or it can get into trouble. This strategy is an extremely aggressive one that can be played by black in response to white’s common d4 opening. To stop that from happening, black will move the knight from g8 to f6. This means that black doesn’t try to initially control the center with its pawns. Instead of moving the black pawn to e5, the pawn on c7 will move to c5, which is counter center. With all white’s pieces and pawns in the center, and no other strategy to rely on, things take a nasty turn for white if it starts losing focus. This is because the pawn on the e file stays as required, and doesn’t block the light-squared bishop. If you’re the type of player who believes in playing to win with Black as well as White then you need a fighting repertoire. Recommended course: The ABC of the Alekhine by Andrew Martin. Black creates a solid defense around its king and aims to counter attack, depending on where white is the weakest. OF CHESS OPENINGS 4.d4 and White . All Rights Reserved, The #1 Pattern in the Indo-Benoni Structure, 4 Best Openings for Black in ‘Must-Win’ Situations. 1. d4 d5 2. c4. Still, there are great chess books like Chess for Zebras: Thinking Differently about Black and White by Jonathan Rowson who claims that while White has some advantages by being allowed to make the first moves, Black has some other advantages. Affiliate marketing is a widely used practice and some of the biggest brands on the planet use it. 3 of them are for white and 4 for black! 1. d4 d5 2. This strategy is a fairly active defense, especially against 1.d4. Black d4: This is where I struggle. Grunfeld defense is a very aggressive opening, as Black is fighting for the center and he can complicate the position; however, the key idea is that we have queenside majority. Like e5 (the second entry on this list), c5 fights back in the center by attacking the d4 square. Recommended book: The Caro-Kann by Jovanka Houskaeval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'herculeschess_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_24',112,'0','0'])); Let’s see Sicilian Defense basics. This is where I want a suggestion: if anyone can suggest a good, aggressive (not necessarily sound opening for black against d4, I'd love to hear it. This is the reason why it is the main line stemming from Benoni Defense. There are three major lines in this defense strategy. Far more reputable is the Budapest Gambit, (1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e5) another Gambit worthy of study and something masters even tried to avoid in the early part of the 20th century! Black allows white to entirely dominate the center with its pawns, focusing its own energy on the d4 square. White has an option to either decline or accept this gambit by using Nf3. Although pulling this off can be rather impressive, the probability of such a quick offensive win (particularly against experienced players) is highly unlikely. The Sicilian Najdorf. The one thing black must remember is that once your knight is being chased around the board, black doesn’t have the option of playing passively. It becomes quite deadly when capably used and can successfully halt even an experienced d4 player. Theoretically the From Gambit is reasonably sound, though White is slightly better with best play. Black would get many counter plays and would be able to play a great game, once things start opening up in the middle of the game. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'herculeschess_com-leader-4','ezslot_12',125,'0','0']));In the meantime, black will undermine white’s overextended pawns. Common openings deriving from this line are the Queen's Gambit (Accepted or Declined), the Slav, and the Semi-Slav. This move is a counterattack against the first white move 1.e4. One cannot mention aggressive openings for black and not mention (as Mr. Skodras did) the Sicilian Defense against 1.e4 and the KID (King’s Indian Defense) against 1. d4. e-pawn to e4 .. A Basic Guide to Queen Pawn Openings (1.d4) . eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'herculeschess_com-netboard-1','ezslot_20',130,'0','0']));Instead of utilizing its special advantage in the center, white has to react to this threat by focusing its energy on defending its d4 pawn. The English Opening is a perfect choice for aggressive players who prefer to play schemes and creative plans rather than memorizing heavy theory. Numerous black players have no problems giving up their pawn due to the ideal attacking lines which result from the queen side of the attack. This offensive strategy is the least popular gambit. This strategy is an extremely aggressive one that can be played by black in response to white’s common d4 opening. Since the majority of games start with 1.e4, this strategy is an ideal tool to liven up your chess game and throw your opponent off track. It is essential to have both offensive and defensive strategies up your sleeve if you want to win. Black uses the Calabrese Counter Gambit strategy to give up its f pawn to thwart white’s entire game plan. Every chess player should have a defensive strategy for Black in reply to some of white’s brutal attacks in the opening. Many chess champions actually prefer to start with 1.d4 because of how well the Sicilian Defense plays against 1.e4. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'herculeschess_com-portrait-2','ezslot_25',132,'0','0']));However, you almost always witness white accepting with cxb5. Yet, it is a rather interesting play for black. Whether you are new to chess or an expert, the most important thing to understand is the crucial balance between offensive and defensive strategies.eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'herculeschess_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_15',135,'0','0'])); Here are the 13 best chess openings for Black in 2020. We get a commission if you purchase something we recommend via our affiliate links . I’m going to break them down into three categories: Black seizes their own share of central space immediately (The symmetrical 1…e5 or the more double-edged Sicilian Defense: 1…c5); Black … We get commissions from Remote Chess Academy and Shareasale.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'herculeschess_com-large-leaderboard-1','ezslot_11',107,'0','0']));report this ad, The Sicilian Sveshnikov by Mikhail Krasenkov, The French Winawer: Move by Move – Giddins, Queen’s Gambit Accepted Chess Opening: For Starters, King’s Gambit Chess Opening: A Lethal Opening For White, How To Play The Pirc Defense Chess Opening, How To Play The Nimzo Indian Defense Chess Opening. There are times when the best offensive move is to simply wait for your opponent to start an offensive attack and simply recognize the flaws in their approach. An army that bravely charges onto the battlefield with no defensive protection tends to quickly experience a crushing defeat. For non-orthodox 1.d4 openings IM Andrew Martin covers those openings that occur frequently at club level, and which are not covered by GM Krasenkow. For instance, in the main line, white may fall into a trap easily leading to an early checkmate. Instead, black aims to develop its minor pieces early on, and then move its pawns to the center further on in the game.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'herculeschess_com-netboard-2','ezslot_21',131,'0','0'])); Even though this defense is a strong opening for black, it’s also rather passive in the initial stages. … .. Find Awesome Results For Pdf Chess Openings !Chess opening.pdf - Download as . Queen's Pawn Game broadly refers to any chess opening starting with the move 1.d4, which is the second most popular opening move after 1.e4.The term is usually used to describe openings beginning with 1.d4 where White does not play the Queen's Gambit.The most common Queen's Pawn Game openings are: While there are several reasonable alternatives for Black to White's 3.Nf3 and 3.g3, it is clear that 3...Bb4 is Black's best answer against … Nf3 e6 and 3. This is where things begin to change based on the selected variant. In the Benko Gambit, if you are playing as a white player and want to avoid getting into the main line, defending your queenside throughout the game, then it is typical to give up a pawn and start focusing on center control. The English Opening is a chess opening when the following moves are played: 1.c4. Additionally, it will also stop the white bishop on f1 from moving to b5. The first move is the Austrian Attack which is one of the most aggressive moves in chess, in which white moves its f pawn towards f4. The 1.e4 is the most common and aggressive opening move and for that reason, we will examine it first. Bg5), Veresov (1.d4 Nf6 2. Even some of the most experienced chess players find it difficult to play against the French Defense, since it is a unique and unexpected defense. This means that players, who prefer to be creative and dislike playing similar variations in every game, will rather enjoy using the Slav Defense. Black would aim to fianchetto its king-side bishop towards g7, to add support on the dark squares. Afterwards, the light-squared bishop will be brought out by black and will make a move to e6.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'herculeschess_com-banner-1','ezslot_23',127,'0','0'])); When black’s pawn is on c6, the next move would be to bring the knight to d7, while supporting the future knight on f6. Below, you’ll discover 13 of the best chess openings for black that are an excellent defensive mechanism. There are only two major attacks that white can play against the Pirc Defense. Remember this opening isn’t for faint-hearted players. For white players who dislike defending and prefer to attack more, the Russian variation prompts them to give up their strong pawn center and get the queen involved, to pressure black. In this DVD I provide a detailed Black repertoire against many of these Offbeat Opening choices. The mainline of the Caro Kann Defense begins with:1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'herculeschess_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_6',109,'0','0'])); This is one of the most popular defensive openings, in response to the King Pawn 1.e4 opening strategy. Active Defense aggressive black openings against d4 black will typically have a pawn advantage an opening covered in depth IM! That starts with the moves: pawn and then the Calabrese counter Gambit strategy to up... Of attacking moves: compared with knights against 1. d4 where described top 7 aggressive opening. Depth by IM Valeri Lilov ( one of the fact that 1.f4 weakens the white player has to be is... Can play against the first 1.e6 move ) sleeve if you purchase something recommend... Firstly, it will be forced to move its knight from going to the Sicilian Defense thwart ’. King-Side bishop towards g7, to add support on the white bishop on f1 from moving to b5 but! Be cautious when it comes to trading bishops if they aren ’ t try to initially control e4! Think fit your playing style Nd5 3.d4 d6 people want an aggressive opening against! Move leading to unbalanced positions where both sides can fight for a win offensive to quickly crush their opponent new... And so a typical move that the white captures the black pawn,... D4, try the king ’ s Gambit declining the Gambit, if they ’... Below, you will Find all related chess topics that you can use improve... 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