Nyssa sylvatica. The specific epithet, sylvatica, means "of the woods." When to Plant Black Tupelo. Acer saccharinum. Tweet this Page Share on Facebook. Common name: Black Tupelo. Nyssa sylvatica. Buy online Nyssa Sylvatica 4 seeds from Ho The genus Nyssa is named for one of the water nymphs of Greek mythology. Native to the eastern U.S. as far west as Kansas, Nyssa sylvatica is adapted to a wide variety of growing conditions from poorly drained lowlands to the dry elevations of the Appalachians. caroliniana (Poir.) If you do not wish to start a Nyssa sylvatica yourself, purchase one from a local nursery (vs. far-away or churn-‘em-out-to-make-money nurseries). A genus of about ten species in eastern N. America, N. Mexico, the Himalaya, and western Malaysia, of which only N. sylvatica is commonly grown in the British Isles. Grow Black Tupelo in full sun. The genus Nyssa L. includes several woody species with traits valued by horticulturists, but only black gum (Nyssa sylvatica Marsh.) Grows 30 to 50 feet tall. Black Gum, Tupelo, Pepperidge. Nyssa Sylvatica is a deciduous Tree growing to 15 m (49ft) by 12 m (39ft) at a medium rate. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1 . Stock: Out Of Stock. Native: Yes Growth Rate: Slow … Botanical name: Nyssa sylvatica; Common name: Black Tupelo, black gum, pepperidge; Origin: North America; Where to Plant Black Tupelo. Nyssa sylvatica Marshall var. This shopping feature will continue to load items when the Enter key is pressed. Non-native: introduced (intentionally or unintentionally); has become naturalized. Nyssa sylvatica var. Fossils of Nyssa's characteristic ribbed seed reveals the presence of these trees in former geological periods and throughout Europe, Asia and North America. It is in leaf from May to October, in flower in June, and the seeds ripen in October. They are often dioecious so a male and female tree in proximity is required to set seed, however, many trees are also polygamo-dioecious, which means they have both male and female flowers on the same tree. Price per .25lb: 24.00. Nyssa sylvatica "Click on a seed weights price to add that quantity to the shopping cart" Genus: Nyssa Species: sylvatica Origin: Common Name: Black Gum Other Name: Upland Tupelo, Tupelo Gum, Sour Gum, Pepperidge, Pre-treatment: Required; Price per Ounce: 8.45. State documented: documented to exist in the state, but not documented to a county within the state. Fruit a drupe, with … Nyssa sylvatica, the most widely grown species in the UK, was introduced in the 1750s from eastern North America and is known by several common names including Tupelo, Black gum tree, Cotton gum, Pepperidge, and Sour gum tree. Common Name(s): Cotton Gum; Sour Gum; Swamp Tupelo; Tupelo Gum; Water Tupelo; Wild Olive ; Previously known as: Nyssa uniflora; Phonetic Spelling NY-suh a-KWA-tee-kuh Description. You got it! Bulk Need more? Price Per Pound: 44.45. Feb 12, 2018 - Boomkwekerij gespecialiseerd in karaktervolle planten, haagstructuren in grote maten, meerstammige en hoogstammige solitairs, strak gesnoeide vormen. Family Nyssaceae Genus Nyssa are deciduous trees with ovate leaves colouring brilliantly in autumn; inconspicuous flowers are followed by small, dull purple fruits Details N. sylvatica is a small, slow-growing deciduous tree of elegant, broadly conical habit. The small grower cares, often collecting seed from nearby locations and propagating the plants. Bulk Need more? Nyssa sylvatica grows to 20–25 metres (66–82 ft) tall, rarely to 35 metres (115 ft), with a trunk diameter of 50–100 centimetres (20–39 in), rarely up to 170 centimetres (67 in). Its tap root makes it drought resistant once establish, but difficult to transplant. A congener, swamp tupelo (Nyssa biflora Walt. typica . Nyssa sylvatica biflora and over 1000 other quality seeds for sale. Description: This broadly conical, deciduous tree bears ovate to obovate dark green leaves that turn bright orange and red in autumn. The first Nyssa species described was a swamp-growing type. : 2600 Zone Cold: 4 Zone Warm: 8; Height: U.S. Back . The bark is dark gray and flaky when young, but it becomes furrowed with age, resembling alligator hide on very old stems. is prevalent in the nursery trade. Flowering; Foliage; Fruit & Nut; medicinal; rhododendron A shrub for all seasons. It is also more disease resistant than Nyssa sylvatica. Additionally, elevated water levels of 1—2 m caused by short—term, high—discharge floods scoured seeds of Nyssa sylvatica var. Black tupelo (Nyssa sylvatica) is divided into two commonly recognized varieties, typical black tupelo (var. 70 Search Results. Reproduction is possible through seed germination and cuttings, however, grafting is used to preserve the characteristics of named cultivars. typica Fernald: Classification . Evaluation of this tree continues in a field at Moon's Tree Farm, Inc., 175 Happy Hollow Rd, Washington, Ga. in Wilkes County. Blackgum (Nyssa sylvatica) falls into the category of deciduous trees and can be found in North America. The twigs of this … Lowest woody seed densities occurred in the open areas, and highest seed densities occurred in sediments adjacent to emergent substrates such as logs. Nyssa sinensis can also be used as a street tree due to its tolerance of compacted soils. The fruit is a black-blue, ovoid stone fruit, about 10 mm long with a thin, oily, bitter-to-sour tasting flesh and very popular with small bird … Perennial Seed Herbaceous beauties for mind, body and soul. 20 pcs american red … Nyssa sylvatica "Click on a seed weights price to add that quantity to the shopping cart" Genus: Nyssa Species: sylvatica Origin: Common Name: Black Gum Other Name: Upland Tupelo, Tupelo Gum, Sour Gum, Pepperidge, Pre-treatment: Required; Seeds per lb. You got it! Also covers those considered historical … Description; Growing Instructions; Useful Links; Propagation accessories ; A deciduous tree native to North eastern parts of the USA. Family: Nyssaceae. Nyssa sylvatica: Black Gum or Tupelo Seeds. Rating * Name Review Subject * Comments * $6.00) SKU: SD-11586. Nyssa aquatica has some common insect problems: Forest Tent Caterpillar. Plant Black Tupelo in moist, humus-rich, well-drained soil. Stock: Out Of Stock. long, 1 1 ⁄ 2 to 3 in. Black Tupelo. Flower Seed Head. Outstanding summer and fall foliage. It is primarily a lowland tree found in low wet woods, bottomlands and pond peripheries, but also can be found on dry rocky wooded slopes and ravines. The autumn colours change two weeks earlier than other varieties. Identifying Characteristics. The species is hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs) and is pollinated by Bees. Suitable pH: neutral and basic (alkaline) soils. … Buy Blackgum (Nyssa Sylvatica) 4 seeds. The simple, alternate leaves are leathery, and densely clustered at the branchlets. Seeds per lb. No germination occurred in potted soil … Flowers small, unisexual, both sexes often occurring on the same tree. Nyssa sylvatica Black gum, sour gum: ca$ 4.45 Seed count: 5-7 : Nyssa sylvatica: Native Region: eastern North America Zone Range: 5-9 Preferred Climate: temperate Harvest Date: Sunday 10 November, 2019 Seed count: 5-7. They are usually identifiable by their differences in habitats: black tupelo on light-textured soils of uplands and stream bottoms, swamp tupelo on heavy organic or clay soils of wet bottom lands. biflora, Quercus spp., Liquidambar styraciflua, Pinus taeda, and other species from adjacent bottomland hardwood … biflora (Walt.) County documented: documented to exist in the county by evidence (herbarium specimen, photograph). Suitable for: light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils. This species has two common names: … Culture Notes This tough tree prefers full sun to light or open shade. Transplant balled-and-burlapped or container grown Black Tupelo in early spring. Synonyms Nyssa multiflora. wide, entire, usually perfectly glabrous in this country except on the young stalks and … Related Plants 'Autumn Cascade' 'Bernheim Select' 'Black Wildfire' 'Caroline' 'David Odom' 'High Beeches' 'Lakeside Weeper' 'Madison Strain' 'Miss Scarlet' 'Pendula' See All (35) Nursery Availability. ), might be a marketable shade tree, but little is known about propagating it from seeds.Because cold, moist stratification overcomes embryo dormancies of black gum, we compared germination of … Nyssa sylvatica blooms in spring after the leaves have emerged, producing separate male and female flowers that are a siren call to bees. It is hardy to zone (UK) 3. It is a medium- to large-sized tree, frequently 60 to 80 ft high and 3 to 4 ft in diameter; it typically has dense foliage with a conical crown on a straight trunk . Nyssa sylvatica var. Page; of 2 > Retail; Nursery Name City State / … Leaves. Germination was rapid in the moist—drained regime at temperatures of 21° and above. The small greenish white flowers are borne singly or in … Nyssa aquatica. Leaves alternate, without stipules. They do intermingle in some Coastal Plain areas and in … Deciduous tree that grows at a moderate rate to reach 6m (H) x 5m (W) in 10 years. Aug 22, 2018 - A more upright grower with dark-green, glossy leaves. Genus: Nyssa Sylvatica Outstanding summer and fall foilage 60-80% germination rate Zones: 4 to 9 Customers also viewed these products. NYSSA sylvatica. Native Environment: Forest. It can … Male flowers numerous, in slender-stalked heads or racemes, females in fewer-flowered clusters, or solitary. Nyssa sylvatica. Cukes & other cucubits Cukes, melons, squash and all things … Bloom times vary, depending on geographic location, from … Species. Tree & Shrub Seed Flower, nut, fruit, medicinal and more. A deciduous tree occasionally 100 ft high in the wild, with a trunk up to 5 ft in thickness and a furrowed bark. were investigated. foliage; flowering; fragrant; Vegetables, Herb & Flower seed Heirloom tomato seeds and more. Seeds; Plugs; Plants; Shrubs and Trees; Land Care and Landscape Services; Landscape Architects; Landscape Designers; Arborists; Forest Management; Wildlife Habitat & Ecological Services; Education; Institutional Supporters; Related Products and Services ; Membership; Native Plant Database. Small, inconspicuous green … The dark green glossy leaves turn various shade of yellowish-apricot to bright scarlet in autumn. Rank Scientific Name and Common Name; Kingdom: Plantae – Plants Subkingdom: Tracheobionta – Vascular plants Superdivision: … Planting and Spacing Black … biflora). sylvatica) and swamp tupelo (var. A stately tree with a straight trunk and rounded crown … One of the best native trees for fall color. Great for urban and naturalized settings alike. Common name: Black Tupelo. Black Tupelo is intolerant of alkaline soil. Commonly known as the Black gum Tree, Nyssa sylvatica, is a deciduous, slow growing tree which has elegant, sweeping branches which form a loosely conical shape over time. These trees typically have a straight trunk with the branches extending outward at right angles. The dark green glossy leaves turn various shade of yellowish-apricot to bright scarlet in autumn. The effects of three temperature levels (15°, 21°, and 33° C) in combination with four soil—water regimes (moist—drained, surface—saturated, flooded—stagnant, and floodedaerated) on the germination of seeds of swamp tupelo (Nyssa sylvatica var. … Nyssa sylvatica Marsh. Native: Yes Growth Rate: Slow-Medium; Spread: Plant Type: Medium Tree Vegetation Type: Deciduous; … Native: indigenous. It is adaptable to … Black Gum. Send by email Printer-friendly version. In order to navigate out of this carousel please use your heading shortcut key to navigate to the next or previous heading. Nyssa sylvatica, commonly called sour gum, is a slow-growing, deciduous, Missouri native tree which occurs in a wide range of soils south of the Missouri River in the southeastern quarter of the State. Soil Type: Prefers moist, well-drained, deep soils.In the wild it is found on high mountain ridges and cold mountain swamps. Native to America, where it is commonly known as "Tupelo", it is widely known for its spectacular Autumn displays when the foliage will turn an array of reds and oranges to become ablaze with colour before they finally fall to reveal the … dilatata Fernald: NYSYT: Nyssa sylvatica Marshall var. Plant Type: Trees. Nyssa aquatica, or … dilatata . Hence the tree was named in honor of the mythological Greek water nymph, Nyssa. Family: Nyssaceae. Synonyms: N. multiflora Wangenh. Characteristics: Deciduous tree to 11 m spread 6 m. Seeds per packets: 5. Make sure to give it ample room to grow. Tolerant of wet and poor-draining soils. Chinese tupelo is a particularly good choice for areas with wet soils or near ponds, streams, and lakes. Pontederia cordata. : 2600 Zone Cold: 4 Zone Warm: 8; Height: U.S. 1 - 50 of 70. Bulk Pricing Buy in bulk and save Buy 5 - 9 and pay only $5.00 each Buy 10 or above and pay only $4.50 each × Current Stock: Quantity: Decrease Quantity: Increase Quantity: Add to Wish List. Originally the seedlings were purchased in 2008 from a nursery in Florida which takes seeds collected in the wild, sows them in seed beds, lifts them and distributes them at the end of the year as Nyssa sylvatica bare-root seedlings. Scientific Name: Nyssa L. (Nyssaceae) sylvatica Marsh. Buying from a local ethically run nursery means that your black gum will do better for you than one trucked in from a great distance – and a warmer (or colder) hardiness … Description; Growing Instructions; Useful Links; Propagation accessories; A deciduous tree native to North eastern parts of the USA. The flowers are an abundant source of nectar for insects like bees. Pages. Also covers those considered historical (not seen in 20 years). Header Photo: Mervin Wallace. Sarg.) NYSSA sylvatica. Fernald: NYSYD: Nyssa sylvatica Marshall var. The green oval leaves are usually wider at the tip than at the base and turn bright red in the fall, often with leaves sporadically changing yellow or orange i late summer. Black Gum (Nyssa sylvatica) The Black Gum tree is an excellent street tree in residential areas. Black Tupelo. Call us at 1 315 4971058. Leaves of variable shape, but oftenest obovate or oval, with a tapering base, 3 to 6 in. Stunning autumn colours of orange, yellow, and purple. Nyssa sylvaticas genus name Nyssa refers to a Greek water nymph; the species epithet sylvatica refers to its woodland habitat.The species common name tupelo is of Native American origin coming from the Creek words ito ‘tree’ and opilwa ‘swamp’; it was in use by the mid18th centuryWhile these trees are often … ; N. villosa Michx. … The flowers are not showy, being only small, greenish clusters borne in the axils of the leaves. Nyssa Tupelo. Characteristics: Deciduous tree to 11 m spread 6 m. Seeds per packets: 5. A swamp-growing Type Notes this tough tree Prefers full sun to light or open shade scientific Name: Nyssa (..., females in fewer-flowered clusters, or solitary the flowers are borne or! Shrub seed Flower, nut, fruit, medicinal and more Name below to expand it in plants! Reach 6m ( H ) x 5m ( W ) in 10 years or open shade ). 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Plant Black tupelo in early spring deep soils.In the wild it is on! Age, resembling alligator hide on very old stems seed from nearby and! Several woody species with traits valued nyssa sylvatica seeds horticulturists, but not documented exist... Genus Nyssa L. ( Nyssaceae ) sylvatica Marsh. tomato seeds and more Comments nyssa sylvatica seeds.