Many pertinent factors are considered before designing the curriculum. Fortunately there was a large number of simple but tedious tasks that needed to be done, and he completed them in a much shorter time frame as a result of his talents. Contains people who “speak the same language” and nurtures technical expertise, attracts and develops experts 3. As designers, we keep developing our style and improving our process the more we work. I've proven in the past that if I'm given a task but with some limits imposed, such as figuring out how to make a game while keeping to a subject or buzz word (game jams being a perfect example), I have very little trouble coming up with ideas. I'm the kind of person that has no trouble getting up really early in the morning when there's a good reason to do so, but without one I'm just as likely to wake up in the mid-afternoon. Student activities must be varied, require minds-on as well as hands-on, and focus on the big ideas. Critical Thinking Critical Thinking can be defined as, “the art of thinking about thinking in such as way as to: 1) identify its strengths and weaknesses, and 2) recast it in improved form (where necessary)” 3 (p. 22). Now, in an ideal world this wouldn't be a problem, because everyone I would be working with would be competent. My usual solution for that is generally to just take an already set-up project, adapt it for my needs, and build off that. Seeing sloppy or ineffective work bothers me, especially if I am in a position to do it better. Technical Article Understanding Android’s strengths and weaknesses September 29, 2011 Embedded Staff. It enables students to have a better understanding of the lessons. Understanding by design Model /UbD ( Wiggins and McTighe , 2002)- also called backward design for putting emphasis on starting with goals and objectives in cdesigning curriculum. More recently, I've taken a particular liking in applying my perspective to social spheres of inquiry. Strengths and Weaknesses in Learning Styles There are strengths and weaknesses in relying on learning styles or learning preferences for educators, parents, mentors and learners. And now I show the other side of the stress coin. Jensen dG. My Strengths And Weaknesses At The Air War College 1143 Words | 5 Pages. Others do. Figuring out the nature of those building blocks is something I actively pursue. In fact, I adore taking things from one context, and finding ways to adapt it to another. Part of why I did so well in my program is that I was fairly quick to adapt to wildly different contexts. The Taba Model is somewhat an improvement of the Tyler Model. The Works of Justin Loranger-Ahluwalia, Video Game and Multimedia Designer, 20 Tips for Becoming a Better DM: Lessons Learned at the Table, Homestuck's Conclusion and Or8Weaver's Evolution, DMing A Tabletop Game: First Book Post-Mortem. It put emphasis on designing curriculum to engage students in exploring and deepening their understanding of important ideas and the design of assessments. It's almost like doing a Wikipedia run from one entry to a seemingly completely unrelated entry simply by clinking the links within the articles. 6, we demonstrate how our maturity model was used to evaluate four distinct FLOSS communities. The company has an extremely efficient business model and supply chain that Zara can originate a design and have the goods in-store within four or five weeks. Zara’s target markets are women, men, and youth, from infants to 45 years old. Subject-centered curriculum design is not student-centered, and the model is less concerned with individual learning styles compared to other forms of curriculum design. It helps the students to practice the six facets of understanding—to explain, interpret, apply, have perspective, empathize, and have self-knowledge about a given topic. Though I specialise in video game design (namely character and system/mechanics design), I was trained as a generalist, and I consider myself competent enough to do well in art (concept, graphics, sound effects, 3D modelling, animation), programming, testing, and just about every other task involved in a game. Likewise, this strength applies to most real world work contexts. But when it comes to designers my logic is this: a designer, by virtue of their position as the one that must bring together all the individual elements of a game into a holistic experience, should have a good understanding of every aspect involved in making a game. Weaknesses of the matter-form model of analysis One point you might make is that the model is vague. I have a hard time relying on others. But in the cases of things that are more nebulous, what I do is keep track of a list of potential items, from which I filter. While that certainly is true, I'd go one step further and say that it is always worthwhile to know where your abilities lie and don't lie, as well as those of your team. For example, if I'm playing a game like Quiplash (where you are asked questions and prompted to give answers that other players will vote on), the first thing I will do is try to read the room: what sort of sense of humour would these people have, and what pop culture references are they likely to be familiar with? Analysis will yield not only the likelihood of the company’s success but also how to design strategies to enable it to align strengths with the competitive character of the marketplace. This is perhaps my biggest weakness, since it's the one that is most likely to actually come into play in actual work situations, and it's one of the ones that is a lot harder for me to find simple workarounds for. Even when I don't have a job and I've taken care of my chores, I keep a large list of things on my to-do list. When it comes to Instructional Design, there is always a mixture of reason and confusion at play.For someone entrusted with the job to develop an online course, it is like whether to follow head or heart and why. And so, there are my primary strengths and weaknesses, at least as I see them. Enter the Johari Window Model. It is useless in new and chaotic groups or organizations, those that perform mechanized tasks, and in emergencies or situations that require quick decision-making or prompt problem-solving. Perhaps that's my orderly nature speaking, but they strike me as an excellent way to push towards getting the most out of what you have. I've also developed a reputation for being fairly easy to get along with (if nothing else, I don't make many enemies), as well as for being quite trustworthy. In fact, I tend to excel while under stress. Physics is my favourite science simply because it involves the most fundamental building blocks of the universe, ergo it is the base upon which all connections are built. There are strengths and weaknesses within the case management models. You will need to address them and improve upon them before you’ll be able to succeed. Understanding - This may seem like an obvious idea that I should have known about as a teacher, but it was something I don't think I was really flushing out well enough. It particularly helps when it's well structured and transparent code for that matter, because then my organisation skills can further supplement that ability. This can lead to problems with student engagement and motivation and may cause students who are not responsive to this model to fall behind. I would never receive a model with misaligned vertices, or files that were incorrectly formatted, or text that wasn't run through a spellcheck. And given the field I'm going into, I think that alone is an extremely valuable asset.