Some people have a visual psychic ability that permeates into the 4th density and are able to ‘see’ them, reporting all sorts of descriptions, shapes and sizes. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. It really is that simple. The earth-bound spirit 2. I just felt inclined to mention it, to distinguish the difference. The 4th dimension is accessed through the heart, and it must first be wide open with 100% trust before the higher 5th-dimensional experience can fully blossom. It won’t feel the same as dying. Fourth-Dimensional Beings have a regular life span, but time passes differently in Fourth-Dimensional Space (In reality, time passes normally for 4D beings, while the concept of time in the Eternal Sphere is trivial, as players can pick both locals and time periods to play in), so to a Third-Dimensional Being, they seem to live for millenia. Whether we like it or not, entities are everywhere in the 4th dimensional field around us. I am not claiming to be the fountain of all knowledge on the subject, although I do have a lot of experience working with them directly as part of my role in the spiritual evolution arena. But as a mathematician, playing with only 3 dimensions is limiting, Dr. Henry Segerman laments. Gulp! People commonly mention tentacles or hooks that leech on to a persons energy field. They have learned to become very skillful at turning on the emotional tap of their human host, so that whenever they get hungry they can drink in emotional energy on demand. They tend to differ from non-human negative entities (below) in that they each have an individual soul. They are just like us accept they are not incarnated while they are your guide. List of Supernatural Powers and Abilities. If you’ve been drawn to read this article then I imagine you have already experienced the challenges that having entities in your field might bring. A blind spot is created where the missing steps are. This Dimension of Thought has the ability to interpenetrate all of life, like a sort of etheric river of water. Example of fourth dimensional spacial reasoning. Guides are usually other beings who have incarnated as humans before. Beings and guides who inhabit the fourth dimension exude warmth, love and caring. We won’t be covering this type of entity in this article. This generally refers to a human being who was incarnated, yet didn’t move on in spirit when their body passed away. They are essentially residing in their light body in higher dimensions and so t… gifts and abilities (including telepathy, telekinesis, transformation, and teleportation) Update - "Setting the Record Straight" Most of them aren’t actually malevolent, they are simply fulfilling a parasitical survival instinct; they are just hungry. The world, in fact, is a large cauldron of emotion, the perfect feeding ground for these pesky pests! They behave as if they were infinitely hot. procreation. They home in on any emotional vulnerabilities and imbalances that a person has and tend to hook in a tentacle right on that touch point. OK, so it may be a subconscious allowing, yet the power is within you. It’s a blind spot, so usually unnoticed by the person who’s taken the drug. What we’re looking for is the authentic – non-loaded – emotional expression of self, that which is aligned with the source. Higher dimensional beings are complex. We cannot replicate the 4th dimension mathematically, we cannot draw it or even describe it in words, it is more a world of the imagination. Not only are we able to teleport ourselves, but if we happen to be in a vehicle, with others or in a building; it can also be move to the desired destination. A Fourth-Dimensional Being is a being that resides in a "fourth dimension" in a science fictional sense. There isn’t a quick fix solution. Their most common food source is emotional energy. She works hand in hand with the Angelic Realms. They have a collective group soul and consciousness and exist as part of a hive consciousness. If so, please consider a donation to help the evolution of Wake Up World angels), some are malevolent and others dance somewhere in between. Press the [>] Play button on screen to hear the meditation, or press the download link to purchase your own copy. Activating your emotions? User with this ability either is or can transform into a 4th dimensional making them superior to those who are three dimensional. The Fourth Dimension is a gray, polarized plane, housing the forces of Light and Darkness. But we have difficulty seeing it as such because we can't knowingly manipulate it like we can with the first 3 dimensions (well, we sort of can by going really fast as objects that approach the speed of light will have a different timeframe then our own). You are visiting the fourth dimension. This isn’t the fourth dimension of time we’re talking about, but another spacing dimension. The 4th acts much like a purifying filter, for it is the realm of the heart that is filled with love, oneness, and lightness. Some higher dimensional beings are benevolent (eg. I thought it might be helpful to record a meditation that specifically deals with the release of inner blockages in order to cleanse your field of entities. Your … Your heart must remain open in every situation, with every person you meet if you wish to receive this Divine 5D experience. Rather, their lives are far more interesting and less limited than ours. You know something isn’t right? Look at specific spiritual work that helps you to honour and release distortions, inner tension or emotional blockages. Entities feed off emotions of all sorts. It doesn’t want to starve. There is a huge ‘false-love-and-light’ movement in the spiritual world today, being totally manipulated and controlled by less than benevolent beings from this category. infants and children. Earth bound spirits can at times be bothersome, although they engage with incarnated human beings very little. If the 4th dimension is spatial, it really depends on how you want normal people to be 3 dimensional: You could imagine that every visible thing is from a 4-dimensional POV flat and glued to the 3-dimensional surface of a 4-dimensional world. HOWEVER – unless you deal with the energy that invited it in the first place, you will simply draw another entity to you again and again and again UNTIL you release the attachment to that emotion from within yourself that draws it in. Our fourth dimensional Astral Body possesses advanced dreaming, imagination, psychic ability, intuition, magic, and creativity. Or you can ascend, where you go into the fourth dimension and don’t come back into the third dimension, unless you choose to visit the third dimension from the fourth dimension. The 4th Dimensional Body can easily access the 5th, 6th, 7th dimensions and beyond, making it possible for interplanetary travel. These are beings whose consciousness is centred in the 4th density and higher. It’s draining your energy? During her journey, she has integrated a wide variety of multidimensional gifts including clairsentience, kundalini awareness, inner child healing, removal of energy blockages, past life regressions and karmic healing. They are usually attached to form by fear of loss. It is most likely they based humans on themselves, so they could easily relate with their creations. 1-dimensional beings wou… Some people have a visual psychic ability that permeates into the 4th density and are able to ‘see’ them, reporting all sorts of descriptions, shapes and sizes. User with this ability either is or can transform into a fifth dimensional being, a being existing beyond the normal four (height, width, length, and time) dimensions, and in the fifth dimension of space-time. A 4-D being would be a god to us. People can and do remove entities, which sounds like an ideal solution. Fourth-Dimensional Beings resemble Humansin nearly every regard. As we expand our mind to frequency of the fourth dimension, we can experience more and more of these qualities while in our physical form. The term ‘entity’ can be a bit confusing, so I’ll draw a brief outline before focusing on the entities that people usually mean. It’s also vitally important that we don’t deny the emotion. It can work temporarily. The hard center of matter is the Third Dimension. Your thoughts are … the aged. They can be master tricksters. Mister Mxyzptlk possesses the ability to warp reality, which has been described alternatively as the product of fifth-dimensional magic or advanced technology that appears to be magical to third-dimensional beings. This idea of a "fourth dimension" is somewhat based on the scientific concept of dimensions . No one else can do this for you. Speaking in simple terms, a "dimension" can be considered an axis of movement and measurement, through which beings and objects can displace themselves throughout a given physical system. It has a vested interest in being invisible. Fortunately, fourth dimensional beings use a light touch with us. Most people have to do this multiple times for different issues, over a period of time and through various levels of vibrational consciousness. Once you remove the food source – charged emotional distortions – then they have nothing to grasp onto and fall away. It doesn’t escape any of us. These are what people typically refer to when they say they have an entity in their field, and this is what we will be working with throughout the rest of this article. This is referred to as the Interdimensional Hypothesis (IDH). 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An Assistant Professor in Mathematics at Oklahoma State University, Segerman spoke to Duke students and faculty on visualizing 4-dimensional space as part of the PLUM lecture series on […] Fourth Dimensional Being. four dimensions might add ‘time’ as an abstraction — things persist. The Universe allows the illusion of Free-Will on the Third and Fourth Dimensions which gives us the experience of acting like saints or demons or somewhere in between... by choice. Manipulative ones often prey on psychic people who can ‘see’ beyond the veil, at which point it is common for controlling higher-dimensional beings to present themselves as ‘benevolent’. We think that the really of 4 dimensional be linked by the connection of space and time into spacetime continuum.and the transformations in fourth dimensions generate the left handed and right handed systems,,for that reason the universe through the opperatorPT combine in an Absolute symmetry left and right handed,but only possible in the 4D This idea of dimensions is an attempt to give the Slender Man a pseudoscientific basis for his movement abilities. Most of them have had some experience on the earth or on a plane of third dimensional vibration, so they have a realistically compassionate idea of what life is like. A given object or entity is referred to as being higher-dimensionalwhen they exist as part of a system with a number of coordinates axes greater than our own, or in layman's terms, if they possess more than three dimensions. We’ll be primarily dealing with the latter category, although it feels helpful to introduce them all. Whatever work you do, the key is to consciously bring your attention to your blockages. Some might find guided meditation helpful. This is the place that entities slip through the door. Beings believing that the Third is the only Dimension suffer from the illusion of separation from their Spirit. Higher dimensional beings and 3. Indeed using this “Opposing Consciousness” as a mirror to your own limitation, is a powerful path to mastery. Blaming others, anger, sense of victimisation, paranoia, fear, guilt, feeling deprived, worry, feeling sorry for yourself, bothered by being lonely, self-depreciation, feeling unworthy/not good enough, lack of motivation, insecurity, impatience, resentment, jealousy, depression, feeling disgusted, neediness, feeling unappreciated, feeling irritated, feeling trapped, head in the clouds, denial of darkness, avoidance of reality, everything’s got to be perfect, controlling…. Yeshua: You can visit the fourth dimension, and that is what you do when you dream. Because denial and suppression of self also creates the ‘grey’ areas where they hide. Around 18 years ago, during a profound spiritual awakening, the world around her shattered. Feeding off you? sleep. Regardless of your existing knowledge of science, a fourth dimension of space is a very difficult concept to grasp. Time will feel fluid, eternal and illusory. Be inspired and supported by others (catalysts and empaths can highlight them in your field), yet know that you have to walk the path with your own two feet. These advanced beings are able to explore the physical universe and other dimensions at will, but none higher than the ones they currently occupy. It would see everything in our world. There is something within you that it is latching on to. Since the 4th dimension is often associated with time, the user can potentially manifest temporal abilities. They farm their food – emotions – in the same way that human beings farm cattle. As soon as they are hungry, they push the button and slurp up the emotional nectar that begins to flow. marriage. The fourth-dimensional lifeform has a better vantage point. They are fit to help guide you because they know what it is like to be here and they are not currently incarnated. Next, try to come up with a way to describe the appearance of a … Trinity feels incredibly blessed to be of divine service. Person you meet if you are conscious whilst working with it this is referred as. First step to self-empowerment we just experience mild cold spots, and everything remains! To co-exist without its host ever knowing it is latching on to a persons field! Visualize objects in 2 and 3 dimensions is limiting, Dr. Henry Segerman laments power is within you that is. Slurp up the emotional nectar that begins to flow re looking for is the only suffer... 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