Top subjects are History, Literature, and Law and Politics, 1. Most well-known is Article 1, which set out four criteria for statehood, as quoted below. Graphical culture . A loyal dog? Our knowledge about our country comes mainly from the 9 pm debate or opinion pieces. There are a lot of things that divide us, but one thing that unites us, or should unite us, is that we want to see our country succeed. A porch swing? Five Easy Steps to Develop a Country . Born and raised here in South Florida, Mike also lived in Tennessee and Georgia for many years before moving back to South Florida. India has diverse religious and cultural backgrounds, so it gets to celebrate festivals of different types, tastes, and colors. 1) Demoralization, (15-20 years time frame) The goal and purpose is to make a country immoral so they cannot recognize or believe in truth when it is presented to them. We have the right to vote which allows us to be directly apart of our government by choosing our leader. Canada offers travelers wide range of experiences. No; Yes; How would you describe your physical size? Retrieved 27 January 2018. One particular reason why America is a free nation is because of its conception of "the frontier," the idea that there are always new and varied lines of demarcation that are waiting to be explored. Presenting the list of top things which makes India unique from rest of the world!!! Developing countries are countries with economies that have a low GDP per capita and rely on agriculture as the main industry. Are you a teacher? I wasn’t sure how we could find something with this much history and love in L.A., but one thing I’ve learned from this experience is that home really is where you make it. Random.Country will generate new random country, flag, map, area, population and capital city. The industry has depleted the soul of country music and made it into a trinket that you can market based on statistic. This would feed into its literature, which helps develop a sense of national character that revels in freedom, both good and bad uses of it. You actually like the country It is the only country to recognize the "TRNC" and is the only country that does not recognize the Republic of Cyprus and its government. Major landmarks. CNBC looks at what it takes to make a country from scratch. I liked the application of Turner's thesis that Rushdie offered in his collection of essays, "Step Across This Line." 3. by population. The United States imported the most goods from Canada until 2007 when China replaced our neighbor to the north. Republic of Turkey: Ministry of EU Affairs. Here are some tips to be a professional coup maker. Many might say it’s what you wear or even what you drive that makes you “country”. So our culture allows us to be free. We have a balanced government of checks and balances that protects the citizens from a monarchy type of government or leader that would abuse his/her power. In this process, freedom to question, redo, revise, and revisit become essential in the democratic experiment. I thought this would be a good topic to talk about since I often hear many say to another person, “you aren’t country.” So what makes someone country? It really doesn’t matter where you are—you can make any space feel like home. In the end, these are the things that matter for a regular citizen in the country. Share resources. We want it to stay great and become even better. Question for you, akannan, in re your use of the Turner frontier hypothesis. Like I said, country in your heart and you have to love it regardless if you’re born “city” or down home country folk. Coffee; Beer; Both; Neither; Do you have anything to fight about? I notice someone brought up Singapore and mentioned how it is multicultural and a safe country which brings to my next question: I understand both Japan and Singapore are wonderful countries with something for everyone (I intend to visit both someday), I am curious which one is the safer of the two (especially for women). Many country folks might feel that you have to be born and raised in the country, on a farm and have a country draw to be true country. Educate yourself a bout the Constitution of India. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Categories by country: Subcategories. Create a new file in the /Europa Universalis IV/common/countries folder. Start studying Four Characteristics of a Country. Make sure in the US you are aware that wearing an image of the US flag is a violation of the flag code. Good points in your post, BTW. Country is what you make it country is all in your mind… Country is workin’ for a living thinkin’ your own thoughts lovin’ your town Country is teachin’ your children find out what’s right and stand your ground Country is a havin’ the good times listen to the music singing your part largest. The following are the basic characteristics of a developed country. 2) Destabilization, (2-5 years time frame) To create conditions where the tipping points for degrading society occur At the same time, I would propose that the idea of lack of institutional hierarchy helps to enhance our concept of freedom. Furniture. We have a fair and just justice system that ulimately is in place to protect the citizens by declaring acts from Congress or the President unconstitutional. I think that post- Cold War America has confronted the realities of information technology, which has created more boundaries that have been accepted, overcome, and then confronted with the emergence of new borders. This allows us to be free. But that's not enough -- we could have the Constitution and just ignore it as we did for all those years where blacks were treated unequally. I’m sure someone born in the country might argue this, but like I said, if it’s not in your heart it really dosn’t matter anyways. Country of festivals!! Come up with three words that sum up your hopes for your country. Just as the Patriots understood this 200 years ago, so it stands today as we continue to right wrongs and rectify mistakes. As a result, it makes festivities in this country so special to experience. Jackson was writing a bit over 100 years ago, at which point the frontier was more or less closed. When we invent countries, we use sounds, prefixes and endings from real places to make them sound realistic. There are four main things that must be accomplished within a country for it to be considered ‘developed.’ Lack of Corruption In Institutes. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. Today a common way to define a country is to avoid these two definitions and say that if it's a member of the United Nations, it's a country. 5 June 2017. 2) Independent courts - they are able to rule on the side of the individual against government or the wealthy or business, simply because they do not have to worry about keeping their jobs. Your paper should have at least one paragraph discussing the GEOGRAPHY of your country. Your paper should have at least one paragraph discussing the CULTURE of your country. Third, equal justice under the law. Country ham is a variety of heavily salted ham preserved by curing and smoking, associated with the cuisine of the Southern United States. What Country is No. Most of us like to believe that we know everything about our nation. Code Of Hammurabi Laws Compared To Today's Laws. What are the differences between the Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire? A developed country is a nation that offers economic security and a high quality of life to its population. 1. Keep it simple. Select a country that has been consigned to the trash heap of history, preferably one without strong regional allies. The series is based on the British sitcom Mind Your Language and was intended as somewhat of a showcase for Ukrainian-American comedian Yakov Smirnoff, whose catchphrase provided the show's title. There is no universal definition of a developing country. Not the U.S. affordable health care for all as a right, not a privilege reserved for only the wealthy. America’s motto, for example, is “In God We Trust”. Sadly, that's not true. I'm aware that placing the coin in the mouth was to pay... What was the Mesopotamian economy based upon. Alternatively, copy the file of a very similar country, then rename and edit it. We asked and you answered! In a socialist country, people account for individual needs and social needs. Make a list of at least ten countries that you can think of. Also, many might say they ride horses, go to rodeos, like country music, like country food, love to line dance and even get crazy about NASCAR racing. Gross National Income Per Capita A high per capita income calculated as the economic output of a nation divided by its population. 1. What was the impact of the Renaissance on art? How to Start Your Own Country in Four Easy Steps With Kosovo unilaterally declaring independence and a host of wannabe states looking to follow its … Why is the Battle of Saratoga considered a turning point in the American Revolution? 801,590 . The word country can be used to mean the same thing as state, sovereign state, or nation-state. Mar 16, 2015 Getty Images. Population. However, the Holy See, or Vatican, isn't a member of the United Nations, but it certainly is a country. Countries are ripe for the plucking these days, from the Crimea to the Gambia to large swaths of the Middle East. Medical care: Due to a large population in countries like China and India, the government strives to provide extra medical care through medical campaign and drives. 36th. I would suggest and think that while we enjoy more freedom, the new borders that confront us are ones where we exercise our freedom in the hopes of understanding them and seeking to overcome them. 'Endowed by the creator with certain inalienable rights among them life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness'. They can stay loyal to the Constitution and nothing else. This difficulty dates back to the earliest days of our country’s history, when the federalists sought to replace the Articles of Confederation with a more robust political architecture. Qualities of a Sovereign State . You can fall in love with it just like you can fall in love with someone. 4) The Bill of Rights - a guaranteed part of the contract that protects you from your government and gives you very specific, yet broad freedoms. As your departure date rapidly approaches, make sure you take time to handle a few important things to do before visiting a new country. economic justice and a … A socialist country is a sovereign state in which everyone in society equally owns the factors of production. Second, free press. Quizlet will be unavailable from 4-5 PM PT. The global image of the U.S. may not be as weak as Americans think, but there's room to improve. This makes it easier to save and afford most of the things. We’ve discounted annual subscriptions by 50% for our Start-of-Year sale—Join Now! It can also be used in a less political manner to refer to a region or cultural area that has no governmental status. Sarcastic saying when bewildered by the country you are in 2. 1. The principles of the Declaration of Independence make the United States a free nation. As defined by 18 USC 1151(a), "Indian country" consists of all land within a reservation including land that is privately owned and land that is subject to a right-of-way (for example, a publicly accessible road). I think that’s a good question and I think I can answer that, or at least give you my opinion on the issue. Relax and appreciate the small things. They are China, Canada, Mexico, Japan, and Germany. Or do you feel that we still in some way have a frontier? What a Country! What Country Are You? Has country music really gone to hell in a handbag, the way classic C&W fans like to claim it has? Top subjects are Literature, History, and Social Sciences, Top subjects are History, Social Sciences, and Literature, 1) Universal suffrage - everyone can vote as long as they are 18 years old and a citizen - this kind of democratic equality is a hallmark of a free country. Afghanistan, landlocked multiethnic country located in the heart of south-central Asia.Lying along important trade routes connecting southern and eastern Asia to Europe and the Middle East, Afghanistan has long been a prize sought by empire builders, and for millennia great armies have attempted to subdue it, leaving traces of… Here are the essentials you told us make your country home complete. 46th country . Log in here. The best part of having a rough list of things to do in every country you visit, is that this method highlights all the differences! Small, realistic things that will help us improve our country. Check Visa Requirements. Our Bill of Rights that lists the freedoms that every citizen has in this country. It should include: They also largely have excellent governance with favorable policies that are not only welcoming to business investment but actually encourage innovation and entrepreneurship. and find homework help for other History questions at eNotes. The answer here is our political culture. What was the purpose of placing the coins over the eyes of the dead in Greek mythology? Scheduled maintenance: Saturday, October 10 from 4–5 PM PT. Already a member? Most people would point to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. 4. A country is a distinct territorial body or political entity. 3) Freedom of Travel - No need for you to show your ID when crossing a state border, or to tell anyone when you plan a vacation. The Four Steps to Communism Taking Over a Country. These laws guarantee us various freedoms and institute a system of government designed to allow us to be free. However, some reservations have been "disestablished" or nullified by such things as federal court decisions or later congressional enactments. The underlying implication of his idea of the frontier is the emergence of this line or boundary that ends up demarcating the point at which individuals seek to establish their own boundaries. Australia is the only island continent and the only single country continent. First, free speech. Remember, there are 195 countries in the world, so you have a lot to choose from! A sparse, uncluttered country look can be achieved with distinctly American furniture handcrafted in Amish or Shaker communities. The different culture, customs, flavors, the people, the land, stand out in stark difference when you try similar experiences to other countries you’ve visited! But why do we have a culture like that where some other countries don't? Obviously, the fewer resources an average family uses, the lower the nation’s ecological footprint. Although it's true that money helps, you can't buy a verdict. Mozambique. How were they different? 'If the government becomes abusive to these ends, the people have a right to alter or abolish the government'...thank God we have had an election every four years to ensure the altering but not the abolition of our government structure. Many countries have a motto that consists of just three words. Strong points demonstrated. You can be a city slicker one day, then fall in love with country in your heart the next day and begin becoming a country girl or country boy. So said the rock musician Frank Zappa. Added to all these wonders that make for breathtaking scenery, is the hospitable atmosphere shown throughout the country. For groups of 2 to 3 students. wikipedia. We do have the right to say pretty much anything we want. Country is a wide-ranging style that depends on geographical location but is generally exemplified by primitive furniture, muted colors, milk-paint finishes and vintage fabrics. Used as a method of preservation from before widespread refrigeration, country ham is packed in a mixture of salts, sugar, and spices and allowed to cure for a long period of time, sometimes months, and often smoked afterwards. You and your classmates have discovered 4 small islands and you are going to make a new country. This is all it takes and it’s a beautiful thing. W; Alphabetical list of countries; Countries that start with the letter m; Countries that start with "M" We recently asked our Facebook fans to share what's essential to making their homes feel "country." You can either use our country name generator to output a random list of real countries or you can use it to create your own fictional kingdoms for use in fantasy writing, gaming and map-work. 3. I think that Turner's thesis is one of those historical documents that has undergone so much revision in terms of being accepted and derided, that his original element is lost. Make yourself some fresh lemonade, plant some lovely smelling flowers, or take a walk through the country or a park. Social needs include things like education, … A more contemporary country look may feature a brighter color palette with accents of red, black or pure white … Sign up now, Latest answer posted February 17, 2009 at 10:20:24 AM. Do you feel that America has been becoming less free since then? Most of American Literature is steeped in this notion of individual autonomy and freedom. 1? square km. - For they that say such things declare plainly (or, make manifest) that they seek a country (i.e. U.K. travel site Vouchercloud compiled a map that shows the top-rated “Thing to Do” on TripAdvisor in nations around the world. It is not inherently sovereign. One can go camping on Vancouver Island, stroll through the cosmopolitan Toronto streets or be off to climb the peaks on the Canadian Rockies. How can we create a great and democratic country which promotes the good of all? Knowing your destination's visa laws is crucial before arrival. I was debating this in the course of putting it together. Political and economic stability are some of the things that make these countries the best to start a business in. Economy: Doing Business — combines multiple criteria on how easy it is to start a new business. What are some questions that I could ask in an interview with someone [not white], regarding the Separate Amenities Act during apartheid? Examples include Wine Country (the grape-growing area of northern California) and Coal Country (the coal-mining region of Pennsylvania). Share resources. While you can go to a fancy new restaurant or a hip club every night, you need to learn to slow down and be grateful for the small joys in life for a country attitude. On Saturday, October 10th, we'll be doing some maintenance on Quizlet to keep things running smoothly. 2019 map showing countries with full recognition and some UN non-member states; some disputed territories are not shown. 2. strong employee rights that put an emphasis on health, safety, the right to form a union, equal opportunity, equal pay for equal work, and family/life balance. I might be able to diverge and offer some other ideas. Consider how the country recovered from mistakes, as well as its ideology as described in some guiding documents (such as a constitution). In 2019, these five countries supplied 48% of … “What makes a country “great”?” I think this is a particularly important question that we all ask ourselves at this point in time. Here's how the style breaks down: Colors: Soft, muted colors showing the wear of time are indicative of a rustic country style. Nothing shows you love your country more than showing it through clothing or accessories! capital. So what makes us want to follow the Constitution. Choose your country. Discuss and answer the questions below. True all these things are pretty typical if you are a country girl or country boy, but that’s not all what makes you true country in my opinion. Well, I truly believe Country is in your heart… period. is an American sitcom starring Garrett M. Brown and Yakov Smirnoff that aired in syndication from September 27, 1986 to May 23, 1987. Some claim that line dancing finds its roots in historical folk dances; other say it stemmed from contemporary disco. 7. Maputo. Why is Australia different from other countries? It should include: Major landforms. What four things make America a free country?' The number of countries in the United Nations has grown from 51 … The United Kingdom is a member of the United Nations, but the countries of England, Scotland and Ireland aren't, so by the UN rule, they aren't countries. Country tags that do not work properly and should be avoided: ADD, ADM, AND, ART, AUX, CAR, CAV, CON, DIP, HRE, INF, MIL, NOT, NUL, PRN, RGB, SUM, VAL, VAN Country file . Everyone has access to a free public education. The principles of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights reaffirm the right of the American freedoms setforth in the Declaration of Independence. a native country, a fatherland, πατρίδα). Look at its commitment to its citizens – … In my mind, this demarcating line represents American freedom and its specific relationship to the dialectical other. F rom European classics that crop up on the list of the best countries in the world again and again – Italy, Portugal, Croatia – to further-flung places that keep drawing travellers in – Vietnam, Colombia, Tanzania – these are the best countries to visit according to the readers of Condé Nast Traveller.The scores below are percentages representing overall average levels of satisfaction. Afghanistan, landlocked multiethnic country located in the heart of south-central Asia.Lying along important trade routes connecting southern and eastern Asia to Europe and the Middle East, Afghanistan has long been a prize sought by empire builders, and for millennia great armies have attempted to subdue it, leaving traces of… Yenwen Lu / Getty Images. Major bodies of water. ↑ "Greek Administration of Southern Cyprus". And while some picks seem on-point, others may sound inaccurate to seasoned travelers. But actually, international law experts are much more likely to … If you’re looking for what makes a country great, it seems, don’t look at its GDP or unemployment rate. 25 Things Every Country Home Needs. Our media is not controlled by the state. If you could only do one thing in each country you visited, what would it be? Approximate Time: 20 to 25 minutes Large; Medium; Small; Do you do what you can to live a green life? "Line dancing is most directly descended from the 1970s disco era, when America saw a variety of new dances emerge", including the Electric Slide, "in this same era, country-and-western line dancing emerged", including the Walkin' Wazi and the Cowboy Boogie. " Five Easy Steps to Develop a Country . I hope I can also commend you in your post above, as I thought you hit on the major points that hit me as I pondered hte question. The four factors of production are labor, capital goods, natural resources and entrepreneurship. Finally, I would propose that the primary goal of "forming a more perfect union" in the Constitution helps to develop the concept that America is a nation always under renovation and repair, that it continually strives to "get it right." Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. 01 of 10. Phrase 1. Thus the Constitution was an expression of the principles of a political community in which freedom and pluralism were constitutive elements. Major cities. All I can tell you is that I enjoy everything country and hope you do too. Developing countries may not be able to afford electric or semi-electric cars, but their people can conserve both money and oxygen by carpooling, riding bikes and reusing grocery bags. Level: Intermediate to advanced. And truly if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. We’ve discounted annual subscriptions by 50% for our Start-of-Year sale—Join Now! So what is my opinion in this? This category has the following 89 subcategories, out of 89 total. Turkey stands alone in violation of the will of the international community. Start your 48-hour free trial and unlock all the summaries, Q&A, and analyses you need to get better grades now. Top subjects are History, Literature, and Social Sciences. 1. What country holds annual bathtub races and has a prepared landing pod for UFOs? will help you with any book or any question. A sentimental family heirloom? Five countries make up almost half of all U.S. imports. I want to hear the bare bones sound of the steel guitar and the brush stick on the drum snare with the one, two, upright bass. Mike is an esteemed self published Christian author of “A Divine Connection With A Message From God” as well as a motivational speaker. "You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline." Here's where to start. What makes you country? We are raised to believe in freedom and democracy and so it's relatively easy for us to have those things. How were the Indian Ocean routes and Silk routes similar? This may seem strange, but we're free in part because we originated as an English colony. Take a tour through our favorite country style homes and gather country decorating ideas and inspiration to transform your home into a cozy abode. This allows for democracy and freedom. Verses 14-16. You certainly do not have to agree with every event and decision made in your country's history to love your country. Some airlines may even deny your boarding at the airport if you don't have a proper travel visa issued in advance. Many country folks might feel that you have to be born and raised in the country, on a farm and have a country draw to be true country. Four, public education. I think modern country music has lost it's original soul and feeling. You don’t have to be born in the country to be country. First reason, because we have (and have always had) a large middle class. The resources of the country go to both types of needs. Choose an emblem or symbol such as stars, stripes, etc that best represent your own country. One of the ideas presented is that the border is one that is ever changing and ever present, representing the moment where one recognizes the other and seeks to understand it, appropriate it, or use it as a reference point for itself. According to Article 1 of the Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States, a state should possess four qualifications: a permanent population; a defined territory; … Who gets to form a state? When most of the country is middle class, people feel equal to one another and treat each other equally. Emerging countries are those making strong strides in technology and other manufacturing sectors. Interesting article which makes sense on Japan being a safe country. The convention set out the definition, rights and duties of statehood. So -- we're free because our history and our economic structure give us a culture that believes in democracy and freedom. Also, many might say they ride horses, go to rodeos, like country music, like country food, love to line dance and even get crazy about NASCAR racing. At the top of your list, give the definition of country. 1. Discussed below are five easy steps to help develop a country and guide the growth of future international trading partners. Furniture in country homes is, above all things, practical. I think that the previous post does a nice job in addressing four particular items. I'm going to take this to mean "what factors allow us to be free" rather than "what examples show that we are free.". Non-Member States ; some disputed territories are not only welcoming to business investment but actually encourage innovation and entrepreneurship smoking... Of an individual 's birth, residence or citizenship 'm aware that placing the coin in the mouth to! That country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned of freedom Shaker.! Re home all as a right, not a privilege reserved for only the.. And truly if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out they... Placing the coin in the /Europa Universalis IV/common/countries folder one roof, use! 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